Current Interests on Research and Creative Activities

My exploration of theatricality is deeply rooted in the intersection of ancient traditions and cutting-edge innovations. I seek to redefine the theatrical experience as a dynamic process, fostering transformation, contrast, discovery, and wonder, essential for both contemporary actors and audiences. This approach moves beyond the traditional confines of staged representations based on realistic or linear dialogues and monologues. Instead, theater is envisioned as a "composition" – a holistic experience encompassing everything an actor and audience encounter within the defined time and space of a performance.

My commitment to challenging conventional norms of accuracy and realism in literature is evident. By creatively blending narrative imagination with theatrical form, I advocate for a thought dynamic that is ambiguous, multivalent, circular, and primal. This approach particularly emphasizes the theatrical utilization of enduring narrative motifs from diverse cultures, providing a distinctive character and appeal to discourse, enabling stories to be told, remembered, and recreated as shared narratives worth presenting to an audience.

In my role as both an artist and an educator, I pose critical questions about the evolving nature of 'hyper-spatiality' and its impact on theater. The blurring of boundaries between 'here' and 'there', and the rise of the 'image' as a central subject, challenges traditional distinctions between image and essence. I explore how digital media's 'new ways of being' affect theater and its ability to maintain relevance as a social communication system, particularly in the post-digital era.

I also delve into the dialectical relationship between theater and new media, seeking to understand whether theater can continue to be a valid communication system amidst the evolving media landscape. My inquiry extends to how theater influences contemporary life, communication systems, values, and thought processes, especially in a society accustomed to new media.

Through my interdisciplinary creative projects, I investigate the physical and digital presence of actors and audiences, probing the intersections of textuality and performativity, reality and virtuality. Influenced by historical avant-garde, neo-avant-garde, and post-dramatic theater and performance, my work aims to critically reflect on and assimilate these experimental practices, continuously exploring strategies for expanded communication. I examine the processes, outcomes, and impacts of communication around the medium of theater.

If you're interested in creating a meaningful collaboration with me, feel free to reach out to me at!